Dişeti Hiperplazisi (Dişetinde Aşırı Büyüme) Nedir? Tedavi Yöntemleri Nelerdir?

Dişetlerinin büyüklükleri, kalınlıkları nispeten sabittir. Dişeti çekilmesi rastlanılan bir durum olmasına rağmen dişeti büyümesi alışılagelmiş bir durum değildir.

DİŞETLERİ ZAMAN İLE VEYA YAŞ İLE BÜYÜYEBİLİR Mİ? Dişetleri genetik bir neden ile daha büyük ve kalın olabilir, tıpkı cildimiz gibi. Fakat bunun ile birlikte dişeti maruz kaldığı bir sebepten ötürü aşırı büyüyebilir.

Dişetinin büyümesi durumunda, dişeti iltihabına da daha kolay maruz kalabilirler. Ve bu durumda kalın kabarık ve iltihabik bir görünüme sahip olabilirler, bu hem estetik hem de genel sağlık açısından hiçte istenmeyen bir durumdur.


Dişetinin normal görünümü GÜL KURUSU PEMBE renkte ve PORTAKAL KABUĞU görünümündedir. Dişlerin çevresindeki dişetinin aşırı büyümesidir. Dişeti büyümesinin sebeplerini sıralayacak olursak;

1. İltihabi büyümeler; Bunun en yaygın nedeni maalesef kötü ağız hijyenidir. En yaygın bu nedenin tedavisinde en kolayıdır. Ağız hijyeninin sağlanması ve ardından düzenli fırçalamanın yapılması ile dişeti normal görünümüne kavuşur. Enflamasyon nedeniyle (iltihap nedeniyle) dişeti büyümesi oluşur. Dişeti iltihabına neden olan plak tabakasına karşı bir savunmadır, aslında dişeti genişlemesi ve şişmesidir. Bu hassaslaşan dişetinin kırmızı görünmesine ve sıklıkla kanamasına neden olur.

2. İlaca bağlı dişeti büyümeleri; ikinci en yaygın nedendir. Belirli ilaçların yan etkileri dişeti hiperplazisine neden olur. Özellikle epilepsi hastalarında kullanılan nöbet önleyici ilaçlar dişeti büyümesine sebep olur. Tansiyon ve kalp ile ilgili durumları tedavi etmek için kullanılan ilaçlar büyümeye sebep olabilir. İlaçlar değiştirildiğinde veya bırakıldığında otomatik olarak büyüme gittiği gibi bazen dişetlerinde gingivektomi dediğimiz traşlama işlemlerini yapmak gerekebilir. Ağız hijyeninin düzeltilmesi şarttır. İlaç kullanımının kesilemediği hatta değiştirilemediği durum da mutlaka düzenli diş hekimi kontrolü ile ağız bakımı yapılması gerekmektedir.

Sonuç olarak bir ilacın yan etkisi ile ortaya çıkan dişeti büyümesi tedavi edilmez ise dişeti hastalığına hatta dişetlerinin altında ki kemiğin iltihaplanıp çekilmesine yani (PERİODONTİTİSE) neden olur.

3. Sistemik genel durum ile ilgili büyümeler; Hamilelik, ergenlik, C vitamini eksikliği, Lösemi

Hamilelik döneminin hormonal değişimi, kişideki hormonal bozukluklar ve dengesizlikler basit sistematik nedenlerdir. Lösemi , anemi, diyabet, lenfoma, vitamin eksiklikleri ve HIV dişeti büyümelerine ve iltihaplara sebep olmaktadır. Ve bu tip hastalar zaten mevcut sağlık problemleri ile uğraşırken dişeti büyümesini göz ardı etmekte, sistemik problem düzeldiğinde bu sefer dişeti hastalığı ile uğraşmak durumunda kalmaktadırlar. Hormonal sorunlar, özellikle doğuştan olanlarda bazen dişler de farkedilmeyecek bir şekilde büyümeler görülebilir.

Üstelik erken dönemde yani 5 ile 12 yaş arasında dişeti büyümesi var ise daimi dişlerin ağızda yerlerini alması da güçleşecektir.

4. Dişeti Tümörleri

5. Yalancı büyümeler

Kabarık ve iltihaplı görünüme sahip dişetlerinin temizliği oldukça zordur. Hatta bazen dişeti büyümesi, dişlerin pozisyon değiştirmesine yani diş hizalarının bozulmasına neden olur. Yani tavuk mu yumurtadan çıktı yumurta mı tavuktan gibi dişeti iltihabı dişlerin çapraşıklığına mı sebep oldu ya da dişlerin çapraşıklığı mı dişeti iltihap ve büyümesine sebep oldu anlaşılmayabilir. Kişi büyümüş dişeti, kanamalı ve sağlıksız bir dişeti problemi ve diş çapraşıklığı ile hem estetik görünümünü yitirmiş hem dişlerinde periodontal problem ile karşı karşıya kalmış olabilir.  Ve araştırmalar kötü ağız sağlığının genel vücut sağlığına olumsuz etkisi olabileceğini göstermektedir.  Dişeti büyümesi iltihaplı veya iltihapsız olabilir. Kalınlaşmanın da farklı farklı tipleri vardır.


Dişeti hiperplazisi ağrılı olabilir, ancak ağrılı olmayan sessiz bir durumda da olabilir. Durum bazen ağrı olmadığı için, dişeti hiperplazisi ileri aşamalara kadar fark edilmez. En yaygın belirtisi kırmızı, kanayan dişetlerine sahip olunmasıdır. Dişetleri eskisinden çok daha büyük görünür ve genellikle dişlerin önemli bir bölümünü kaplayabilir. Durum ağız sağlığını ve ayrıca genel sağlığı etkiler. Bağlantı dişetlerinin kabarık ve büyük olduğu zaman bu kısımların etkin bir şekilde fırçalanamamısıdır. Dişeti cebi oldukça büyümüştür. Sebebi dişetinin dişi olduğundan fazla örtmesidir. Dişeti iltihabına açık bir yapıya sahiptir. Ve araştırmalar ALZHEIMER, PARKINSON gibi nörolojik hastalıklar ile dişeti iltihabının bağlantısını gözler önüne sermektedir.

Dişeti iltihabı ağızın hangi bölgesindeyse dişeti büyümesi de o bölge de oluşabilir. Dişeti büyümesi ağzın bir bölgesinde lokalizede olabilir tüm dişleri saracak şekilde genelde olabilir. Dişeti iltihabı kemik kısmına geldiğinde kemiğin çekilmesiyle bu dişeti büyümesi dişeti çekilmesine dönüşecektir. Dişeti iltihabı nedeniyle meydana gelen dişeti büyümesi en kolay tedavi edilenidir. Dişeti iltihabı iyileştiğinde büyümesi de hızlıca düzelir.

Nadir rastlanan bir durum olsa da Kalıtsal dişeti büyümesi de 1:350.000’i etkiler. Genellikle çocukluk döneminde gelişir. Ancak bazı vakalar yetişkinliğe kadar belirgin olmayabilir. Kalıtsal dişeti fibromatozunda olan şey aşırı kollojen üretimine bağlı dişetlerinin büyümesidir. Genellikle gummy smile görünümü de vardır. Cerrahi müdahale gerektirir. Bazen ikincil olarak büyüyen dokuyu almak gerekir.


Altta yatan nedenin önce tespiti ile tedaviye başlanabilir. Problemin ortadan kaldırılması ve ağız hijyeninin sağlanması ile iyileşme sağlanabilir. Aşırı büyüme durumunda gingivektomy dediğimiz dişetinin düzenlenmesi işlemi gerekir. Altta yatan sebep ilaç kullanımı ise ilaç değişimi gerekebilir. Hormonal problemlerin sebep olduğu durumda hormon tedavisi ve dişeti uzmanının beraber hareket etmesi lazımdır. Çünkü büyümeye yapılacak cerrahi müdahale tekrar büyüme ile sonuçlanabilir. Bu durumda dişeti büyümesine sebep olan problem tam anlamıyla tedavi edilmesinden cerrahi müdahale yapmak yanlış olur.

Cerrahi müdahale yani dişetinin seviyesinin düzenlenmesi Elektrokoter, lazer ya da bistüri ile yapılabilir. Yara iyileşmesi esnasın da iyileştirici pomat ve gargaralar önerilebilir. En önemli tedavi protokolünün ilk ve en önemli unsurunun etkenin ortadan kaldırılması olduğu unutulmamalıdır.

Kaynak: http://www.aestheticsmilereconstruction.com , Carranza’Clinical Periodontology-11th edition

Gülüşünüzü Test Edin

Gülüş Değerlendirilmesi


1-Dişlerinizin şeklini beğeniyor musunuz?


2-Dişlerinizin rengi sizi rahatsız ediyor mu?


3-Dişlerinizin daha beyaz olmasını ister misiniz? Nasıl bir yöntem uygulanmasını istersiniz?Açıklayınız.


4-Dişlerinizin yüzünüzle olan ilişkisini beğeniyor musunuz?


5-Dişlerinizin daha düzgün olmasını ister misiniz? Nasıl bir tedavi yöntemi istersiniz? Açıklayınız.


6-Dişlerinizin arasındaki boşlukları kapatmak ister misiniz? Nasıl bir tedavi yöntemi istersiniz? Açıklayınız.


7-Dişlerinizin daha uzun olmasını ister misiniz?


8-Tamamlanmasını istediğiniz eksik bir dişiniz var mı?


9-Dişleriniz yapıldığında asla olmasını istemediğiniz şeyler?


10-Ağzınızda diş rengi dolgularla değiştirilmesini istediğiniz eski amalgam dolgularınız var mı?


11-Gülüşünüzde ve dişleriniz hakkında değiştirmek istediğiniz ne olurdu?


Bu analizin sonucunu bize mail atabilirsiniz.


It was yet another cold Ankara morning. I had been researching for a short while and on the advice of a close friend of mine, I called Dental Estetik Center. It rang for a few seconds, to be answered by the sweet, soft, pleasant voice of a woman. “Dental Estetik Center, this is Yasemin, how may I help you?” The voice had subsided my fears to an extent, instantly. After all, I was getting an appointment to see a dentist, I couldn’t help but feel tense. Deciding on the fate of my teeth and having to sit on a dental chair was making me somewhat anxious. Yet, I was able to get my appointment in a flash, thanks to the sweet demeanor of Yasemin; in addition to the relaxing way in which she spoke to me.


At this point, I believe that I should tell you about myself; I am Yeliz Tepe, I am a Pilates instructor. I have received orthodontic treatment due to the visual irregularity of my teeth. The treatment had left spaces between my teeth, which was upsetting, as well as keeping me from smiling and laughing however I wished. In addition, my teeth looked fairly yellow.



As I have a job that is primarily based on health and secondarily on appearance; I thought that I had to have these problems resolved. So, I decided to pay a visit to Dental Estetik Center as I was impressed with the success of their both clinical and cosmetic treatments on a myriad of patients.


When I arrived, I was welcomed debonairly. The tension that I had was subsiding, to an extent. They immediately took care of me; offering me refreshments. Believe it or not, the clinic felt like home! We then we proceeded with the examination; they made an effort to communicate with me in the best way possible and, more importantly, to prioritize my needs as they created a treatment plan.


As my gum health constituted the basis for all other treatments that would follow, they removed my tartar. With effective oral hygiene training and motivation; my gums had become healthy. Then, they bleached my teeth. Initially, they took measurements and prepared transparent plaques. I was given these plaques, along with some bleaching gel. I was told to apply the gel on the plaques in the size of a grain of wheat for eight of my incisors; leaving it on for, respectively; two, four and six hours on days one, two and three. On the fourth day, I returned to the clinic and they continued with my bleaching process; using a special device called “Zoom”. Except for the day on which I had to visit the clinic, I was told to repeat the plaque-gel procedure at home, for the following three days.


On my next appointment, I was exceptionally satisfied with how white my teeth looked. Actually, I didn’t think that they would look that white. In fact, I was excited about future treatments; my teeth were lily white. A treatment to close the gaps between my teeth would follow.


My dentist told me that the gum on my upper jaw had to be readjusted to create an aesthetically-appealing smile. They did so, using the water-lase iplus hard tissue laser, a cutting-edge technology. My gums were healed in as short as one week following the laser treatment and I did not feel any discomfort, or sensitivity. It was nothing like I had anticipated.


On the same day; they had plans to laminate my teeth. They slightly chiseled my teeth and mounted my temporary teeth; the sight of which was quite exhilarating.




I could not contain myself when I returned to the clinic one week later. The process of change was nearing the end and I had grown impatient. The clinic staff with whom I had become well-acquainted due to my numerous visits was at least as excited as I was. I was looking forward to seeing myself on a mirror with a wide grin.


I tried on the porcelain laminates that had been prepared; they were then adjusted in line with my face, my smile and my facial features. They were not porcelain laminates anymore, they had become Yeliz’s teeth! Just like the delicate brushstrokes of an artist; Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu, MD, turned the porcelain laminates that I had tried on into a puzzle piece that had been long missing from me. After the trials and as a result of a technician’s touch that lasted just a few hours, the porcelain laminates were mounted; through a diligent operation.



After my porcelain laminates had been mounted, when Mrs. Kırsaçlıoğlu told me that I could then take a look in the mirror; I felt extreme excitement. I held my breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I could not believe my eyes! It felt like a different person in the mirror. All the spaces that I had hated were gone; my white teeth were literally flashing with each smile. This Yeliz felt right. She looked just like I did, in my dreams. I felt glued to the mirror, glancing to the new me again and again. I took a good look at myself. I knew that this phase would not be coming to an end soon.





Gum Adjustments, Gingivectomy, Gingivoplasty

Irregularities between gum levels affect your appearance, just like they affect your teeth.

For example, here, the gum levels of the incisors are as they should be, but those of the small molar teeth are irregular. As a result, these teeth appear shorter than they actually are. Without any adjustments on gum levels, these teeth will look short, regardless of the procedures applied.

To deal with the irregularity, the gums should be shortened by 1-1,5 millimeters.


Your gums consist of two parts.

STICKY GUMS: These are the part of gums that are stuck onto the bone.

NON-STICKY GUMS: These are the part of gums that hang freely at the necks of your teeth, not stuck onto your bones, just like the flesh where our nails grow. Gum adjustments are made on these areas. This procedure is also called a “GUM MANICURE”.


1.It helps create a harmony between your lips and teeth.

For example, there are people with smiles that show nothing but gums. Or, like in the photo, for patients with puffy and overly visible gums, we ensure the harmony between their lips and teeth through the adjustments we make.

2.In the event of an irregularity between gum levels:

As seen on the photo, your teeth will look like their lengths vary. So, whatever you do, it is impossible to have an exact symmetry when it comes to your gums. To create an exact symmetry, the gum levels should match, as well.

3.To change the forms of teeth that are displaced, gum forms should be altered as well. For example, when lateral teeth are missing (side-incisors), canine teeth take their place. To reform the premolar teeth to look like canines, gum levels should be adjusted accordingly. Small side molars (premolars) take the place of canine teeth. To reform them to look more like canine teeth, gum levels should be adjusted accordingly. As seen on the photo, the gums surrounding the premolar tooth need gingivectomy.

4.As seen on the upper-most photo, when your premolar gums are shorter than your canine gums, the back of your canines will look darker, as if you were missing those teeth, when you smile. Through gum level adjustments and through the new restoration will give you a more positive smile. This way, your lips get full support and your smile will look more appropriate for your face.


By: Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu, Md.


Dental Veneers, Composite Laminates And The Adhesive Bonding System

By: Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu, Md

Nowadays, everyone wishes to look perfect. To achieve the perfect appearance and get rid of their “imperfections”, people turn to cosmetic treatments.

It is possible to alter a person’s teeth cosmetically, elements that have a great role in a person’s appearance.

The need to have a pearly white smile brings along fast-paced developments in the sector of dentistry. One of the most popular methods developed in this aspect is dental veneers. They are applied just onto the outer, visible surfaces of a person’s teeth.

Just like coating furniture with a thin layer of varnish onto the inner parts of furnitures to achieve a desired look, or a particular color, a person’s appearance may be altered by porcelain, or composite, veneers that are applied onto the outer surfaces of their teeth. While keeping their actual teeth intact behind the veneers, veneers in desired colors or features may be applied onto them.



They are especially used to close the gaps between spaced teeth.

*They are also used for the teeth that have lost their appeal in time and with the coming of age, to give them back their young appearance. If the teeth are shaky due to a periodontal destruction, composites are supported with material of fiber content and teeth are thus tied together.

*Severe discolorations that remain even after bleaching procedures.

*If the patient with (lightly) crooked teeth does not wish to receive an orthodontic treatment,

*They are used for patients that are not happy with how their teeth look and wish to have a different image. In people that wish their incisors to be slightly longer, or those who believe that their canines are too sharp and want to have them straightened out, it is possible to meet their demands and keep their actual teeth intact with veneers.

*For people who wish to convert their negative smile line into a positive one,

*For people over 18 that wish to have a better smile without getting their teeth destroyed in the process, if they have appropriate oral and dental structures.

*As a quick fix for people whose teeth broke due to falling, crashes or traffic accidents.


The tooth enamel layer is just like a honeycomb. Your dentist empties these honeycombs with a special solution at a microscopic level and inserts an adhesive that resembles the laminates in nature into these honeycombs.

You know how a floor tile is fragile by itself, until it is glued onto the floor with a heavy glue, then it becomes unbreakable, even when the wheels of a truck stomp it.

When stuck onto your teeth with correct adhesives, composites act like teeth. Though, their resistance can never match that of your actual teeth. They are easily harmed when you consume shelled nuts, or push them beyond their limits.


When your dental tissues reflect light, each tooth does so, depending on the density of their layers (enamel, dentin, pulpa). Veneers imitate the refraction of your actual teeth. As they do not include metals and are designed based on your own face, they are visually pleasing.


The principles of their dental adherence is like that of orthodontic apparatus. As your teeth remain intact when they are applied, your enamel will be unchanged when they are removed. In addition, considering that they end sensitivity issues in the gaps between shifted teeth after a tooth or two is removed, it might be agreed that they are actually beneficial. Another advantage of their application is the ability to ensure a visually pleasing appearance, without altering your actual teeth.

Unlike the common belief, composite laminates do not harm your teeth, nor cause tooth decays. They are renewed when it is due without any problems if the person exercises good oral care and brushes properly.

Can Composite Veneers Last a Lifetime?

As is the case with every other restoration, composite veneers may become worn out. Generally, they last 5-10 years. 6-month dentist checks make them last longer. Abrasive toothpastes may harm your veneers. Brushing regularly and dentist controls, on the other hand, make them last longer.

What Procedures Follow the Application of Composite Veneers?

Composite veneer applications may be followed with porcelain veneers or crown bridges, depending on a patient’s demands. They will not cause a problem.

Dental Phobia

If your heart begins to race wildly and you get stomach cramps just by looking at the title, this post is for you. Dental phobia, the phobia that force-chokes you at the mere thought of visiting your dentist and drives you to live with the pain of a decayed, or a missing tooth is actually quite ungrounded. How? Well, in today’s dentistry we are able to apply dental procedures to eliminate phobias, rather than building onto them. Besides, today’s technology is quite advanced.

Let’s discuss the reasons behind “dental phobia” and how it spreads in a society.



Fear has its place in the human nature, which means that it is perfectly natural. Fears help us continue our daily lives. If we did not feel fear, we would continuously take risks without thinking about the consequences they may bring. Fear is why we have safe zones. Our safe zone is the 50-cm radius around us.

This is our area of privacy. Allowing only our parents, significant others, children or relatives into our safe zone will not bother us. Our safe zone is why we look down in an elevator in the corner of one, shutting ourselves away.

That 50-cm radius is where a dentist has to be, when working on your teeth. That is, they enter your safe zone. My advice, especially for those whose phobias are at extremes, is to chat with your dentist before an examination.

As for kids, the emotion of fear is not truly developed in them during the period when they are big fans of stray animals and run up to pet them on the streets; hence having no episodes of dental phobia. They learn this phobia through their parents and the bad experiences their parents have had.

So, if your child has not met a dentist yet, try to do your best for him to like dentists, instead of planting such fears into their souls.


The biggest factor that contributes to dental phobia is a bad experience in the past. A painful dentist visit you had, or a bad experience your parents had when they took you to the dentist, are examples of such experiences. In addition, sometimes, threats from your parents that you are to be taken to a dentist if you don’t behave makes you think that “dentists are evil”. Although we rely on suggestions for patients like these, sometimes we require hypnosis or sedation to work with them.


Talk to your doctor about your phobia. What are you afraid of? Is it their injectors? Their tools? Try to be as definite as possible. You know what? Some patients are even afraid of water leaking into their throats.

During a chat with your doctor, the reason behind your fears may be figured out, and you two may find just the right solution accordingly.

Before your visit to a dentist, massage your stress point. Massage the spot in the middle of your cheekbone in circular motions, or roll up your fingers into a fist and gently hit your chest.

BREATHE THROUGH YOUR DIAPHRAGM: When you are afraid, your breaths will be through the upper part of your lungs, in a short and rapid succession. Instead, try to fill up your diaphragm with air, like a balloon; then, wait for a little while before breathing out. This is the type of breath that we all take when our life begins, as babies. Do this especially before sitting into the dental chair, for 5-6 minutes. Exercise good posture.

HERBAL TEA: You may have a mixture of herbal teas to soothe yourself, like camomile tea, lime tea and cinnamon tea, before visiting your dentist.

Condition yourself positively. Never ever use negations in your suggestions. Making “I’m not going to freak out” your mantra, will freak you out. Instead using phrases like “All is well, everything is under my control,” will be more helpful.

You have the power to control your body and soul. Just like Indian fakirs who rest on hundreds of needles. We often suffer household accidents that are more painful than a visit to our dentists. Though, there are so many people who are unable to sleep through their toothache that would be gone if they never delayed therapy; due to dental phobia. When the anesthetic solutions kick in and people are treated without feeling anything, many patients are amazed – “That was it?” So, start your dental treatment. Or even better, start while you do not even have tooth decays and use protective agents.

Remember, dentistry is really advanced in Turkey and every dentist is able and skilled to offer you a pain-free treatment.

Dental Health and Dental Problems During Pregnancy

Positive pregnant blond woman  checks her teeth
Positive pregnant blond woman checks her teeth

Dental Health and Dental Problems During Pregnancy
By: Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu, Md.
We all wish to enjoy our pregnancy periods. We all hope to give birth to healthy babies after pregnancy. The field to which women pay the most attention during pregnancy is nutrition. The attention paid for nutrition is for the good of their children, through better bone structures or higher quotients of intelligence. Yet, isn’t nutrition also important for oral and dental health?
The buds of baby teeth and permanent teeth form inside your baby’s jaw while you are pregnant. Having a high mineral intake will strengthen the dental structure of your baby. Calcium, phosphor, potassium and vitamins, elements that we always need, are needed even more during pregnancy. You have to mind what you eat if you wish to straighten the dental buds of your babies and the final three-month period of pregnancy is especially important.

Common thoughts: “I had many episodes of nausea, I could not feed the baby. The baby received the calcium through my teeth, is this right?” Nausea occurs during the first three months. In this period, the baby does not need the calcium from their mother.
In addition, there is also the thought of “Every pregnancy cost me a tooth!” The changing hormone structure affects your gums during pregnancy, making them more vulnerable to infections. An existing dental problem becomes more severe during pregnancy. Hence, you have to get your teeth examined by a dentist, then receiving the treatments you require.
Bleeding gums are more frequent during pregnancy, especially for mothers with gum problems. The expecting mother with bleeding gums avoids brushing her teeth, shortening the time and the amount of brushing. If she also has nausea, her gums become even more vulnerable to infections. As a result of this, dental problems that root from gums become inevitable. In other words, pregnancy is not the main cause behind lost teeth. The changing hormonal structure renders your teeth vulnerable.
The increasing number of tooth decays also contributes to nausea during pregnancy. As you may know, your stomach acid is HYDROCHLORIC acid. This acid plays a role in digesting what you eat, but causes destruction when drawn into your mouth through nausea. You need to brush your teeth especially after morning nausea. And if it is impossible to brush your teeth, rinsing with water may help.
Sometimes, brushing teeth causes nausea. In this case, brushing with our heads tilted down and using a toothbrush with a small tip may be effective in eliminating nausea. If the taste or the odor of your toothpaste causes the nausea, I suggest you use toothpastes for kids. Kiddie toothpastes taste like candies. As stomach acid may cause the progression of new or existing decays, these decays should be assessed and filled by a dentist before pregnancy. Actually, even before deciding on a pregnancy, you should visit your dentist for a general assessment.
The assessment should be supported by X-rays (the X-rays that show all of your teeth, called a Panoramic X-Ray). As the pregnancy period is a long one and x-rays become impossible due to the risk of radiation, the early x-ray assessments will help in the event of a problem.
Many people brush their teeth and even if they do, there are some who keep suffering from problems related to gums and teeth. The underlying cause of these is the lack of information on correct oral care, or the failure to ensure that. If you do not know how to brush or floss efficiently, you should learn and start following the rules immediately. A thorough oral care is possible through brushing your teeth effectively and flossing. Brushing your cheeks and tongue is also important.
Fluoride applications during pregnancy are considered to be preventive measures in some countries. Though, in Turkey, the tap water is not audited properly and the decision is left to the expecting woman and her gynecologist. In the regions where the tap water is too rich in fluoride, there will be yellow or brown dental stains, called flourosis.
Medication used during pregnancy may have negative impacts on teeth, as well. Especially medication of the tetracycline group stains on teeth. The cause of yellow and brownish stains on teeth, called hypoplasia, is the medication taken and the inflammatory diseases suffered during pregnancy. This is why you need to increase your immune resistance and try to avoid both contracting diseases and using medication.
Dental problems that occur during pregnancy are treatable. In general, the issue is whether or not to remove a tooth. A tooth may be removed with the correct anesthetics. Although antibiotics are not our preference, they are used, as well, because a tooth with inflammation hurts a baby more than them.
Another point to take into consideration is the fear of doctors on the part of an expecting woman, or the lack thereof. In patients with such fears, the adrenaline raised by fear during a treatment may have negative results. As there is a risk of losing the baby in the first three months, and of having an early birth in the last three, any fear an expecting woman may have should be eliminated through suggestions. Among patients that are simply too afraid, for those who make up excuses to delay their treatment, just eliminating the emergency and postponing the treatment until after their pregnancy, would suffice.
Among the treatments that are to be delayed until after the pregnancy are those requiring x-rays. For instance, in treatments like root canal treatments, the initial session is completed by eliminating pain and through temporary restorations, while the actual completion is delayed until after the pregnancy.
It should be remembered that pregnancy is not a pathologic condition, but a physiologic one. The woman whose hormones turn back to normal keep on with their normal lives. Take care.

10 Secrets For A Fresh Breath

10 Secrets For A Fresh Breath

By Güzin Kırsaçlıoğlu, Md.

Bad breath is a problem with which everyone may have to deal at some point in our lives. Though, it is not a socially desired condition. No matter how well-groomed you are, this condition may compromise your reputation. Here are 10 SECRETS FOR A FRESH BREATH to protect your reputation:

1-You must review whether you exercise good oral care. Do you brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime? Remember to BRUSH THE UPPER SURFACE OF YOUR TONGUE in addition to brushing your teeth.

2-Remember to clean the areas in between your teeth before going to bed. Keep in mind that a toothbrush cannot reach to those areas. Use DENTAL FLOSSES, BRUSHES DESIGNED FOR THESE AREAS, OR ORAL SHOWERS to clean these areas.

3-Use mouthwash. After brushing your teeth, extend the mouthwash toward the back of your throat and gargle for 2-3 minutes. Do not eat or drink for 20 minutes afterwards. You may gargle on salty water as well, if you do not suffer from blood pressure issues.

4-Get your tartars cleaned regularly. There are many microorganisms inside tartars. These microorganisms cause bad odor, so GET THEM CLEANED during your regular 6-month visits to your dentist.

5-Do not ignore bleeding gums. If your gums start to bleed while you are brushing your teeth, you may have gum problems.

6-If you enjoy having foods like ONIONS or GARLICS, consume them for dinner. Brush your teeth after consuming them. Chewing on cloves, gums or having mint candies may mask the smell of onions and garlics to an extent. Though, you should delay their consumption until dinner.

7-Lose your mouth dryness. Avoid whatever is causing it. As we have suggested before, we should suggest you again to consume 2 liters of water each day.

8-HAVE HERBAL TEAS: With their anti-oxidant nature, sage and green tea are effective against microorganisms and dispel bad breath. Gargling with sage is extremely beneficial in dispelling bad breath.

9-A decayed tooth is the exact cause of bad breath. Or, if you have dents in your dental lining, visit your dentist immediately. Have x-ray assessments of the secret decays in between your teeth while your visit to a dentist. Bad breath caused by a decay WILL NOT BE GONE even after you brush your teeth. Do not try to mask it in vain with sprays or drops.

10-Check if your toothpaste includes zinc. Chewing gums, mouthwash and toothpastes with zinc dispel bad breath.

In short, if you have bad breath, you should brush your teeth and use chewing gums, mouthwash and whatnot, that is, exercise good oral care by yourself before anything else. Consume plenty of water, but if you still have bad breath after all these, consult your dentist.

8 Things To Do In Ankara

Ankara Gece

When you come to Ankara for dental tourism, you may feel at a loss for things to do here. In fact, there are loads to do here in Ankara. Here is a list to name a few:

  1. Anıtkabir – The Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

This tomb and memorial is particularly important to the city of Ankara because it was Atatürk, the revolutionary founder and first president of the new Republic of Turkey, who designated Ankara as the country’s new capital city. On the 69th anniversary of his death, over 550,000 people visited the mausoleum to pay respect to the Father of Modern Turkey.

  1. Kizilay

Kizilay is the epicenter of Ankara’s business and social scene, with an endless flow of designer retail shops, department stores, outdoor markets, stylish restaurants and dizzying nightclubs and bars. It’s the “downtown” area of Ankara, a busy transportation hub and magnet for Ankara’s youth.

  1. Explore the Ankara Citadel

For fantastic city views of Ankara head to the Ankara Citadel, situated in the Ulus Bentderesi District of in the Old Quarters. Ankara has many interesting archaeological sites scattered throughout the city, however only a few structures surrounding the citadel have survived its appetite for development and modernization.

  1. The Old Quarter

It’s a fairly touristy area, at least for Ankara standards (but it’s far less busy than the Old Quarters in Istanbul), meaning there’s lots of overpriced restaurants and street touts selling cheap souvenirs and trinkets. The merchants here like to bargain hard, so if you’re up for some spirited bargaining than you’ll surely enjoy this part of town.

  1. The Kocatepe Mosque

Stunning, glorious, powerful, seductive, magnificent, brilliant.

Whatever adjective you choose, it still won’t come close to accurately capturing the style and grace of Ankara’s largest and most impressive place of worship. A visit to Kocatepe Mosque is a must during any trip to Ankara.

  1. The Atakule Tower

Without question, the panoramic views from Atakule are the best in the city. It’s quite interesting to see the lay of the land from a bird’s perspective, knowing that the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman civilizations made this land home once upon a time.

  1. The Museum of Anatolian Civilization

Arguably the most important museum in central Anatolia, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations contains priceless artifacts from the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras as well as the Hatti, Hittite, Phrygian, Urartu and Roman civilizations. Some people travel all the way to Ankara just to visit this museum and witness its fine collection.

  1. Sample local street food

Turkish food is quite diverse, fusing Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Balkan cuisine, and offers something for every palate. That said, vegetarians consider yourself forewarned – Turkish food is all about the meat. In fact, Ankara was home to the world record-breaking doner kebab, weighing in at 1,198 kilograms!

(Source: Travelling Kanucks)